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OpenTTD 15.0-beta1

Ho, ho, ho, Santa is in town. And he’s brought a gift with him.

Here’s a shiny new package for you to unwrap, containing the first beta version of the upcoming OpenTTD 15 release.

It comes faster, with road waypoints, fewer passwords, better scenario editor, and hopefully with a lot less bugs. To be a bit less vague, here are some of the highlights:

  • Improved picker windows for stations/waypoints/objects/and more. Oh, and that does include road waypoints.
  • Better perfomance in various places, including faster path signals that are now green by default.
  • Password-less network authentication using keys.
  • Several improvements for NewGRFs regarding cargo support.
  • Better scenario editor with a town data importer and manual house placement.
  • A large tree fully hung with ornamental bugfixes.
  • Sadly though, not everbody was good this year. The old NPF pathfinder was finally retired, after YAPF being the superior default for many, many years now.

There’s a lot of bugs left for you to find, though, guaranteed. Enjoy the beta, test all the things and report anything you find amiss, to make OpenTTD 15 the best OpenTTD 15 ever.

OpenTTD 14.1

Our players have played a lot of OpenTTD 14 since it was released a few weeks ago – in last week alone those who opted into our survey played 34,700 hours across 17,219 games.

In all those hours, you’ve found some bugs, and we’ve done our best to fix them. The first maintenance release for OpenTTD 14 fixes a multiplayer desync bug and cleans up a few rough edges with the new ship pathfinder and the unbunching feature. As always, there are plenty of other bugfixes, which you can find in the changelog.

OpenTTD 14.0

Welcome to 14.0!

OpenTTD’s first release was in March of 2004. Now twenty years later, we are proud to present to you: release 14.0.

And boy, what a release it is. Do I dare to say: this has been the biggest release yet?

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OpenTTD 14.0-RC3

Features: added. Gameplay: improved. Bugs: squashed. Final testing pre-release: probably, unless time is accidentally stopped.

Today we release 14.0-RC3, hopefully the last release candidate before the proper 14.0 release. Compared to the previous RC, some annoying bugs were fixed and the latest translation updates included.

The stoppable march of time

I was once the hottest new model on the street. Newspapers heralded my arrival in every town. The titans of industry were inspired to produce more goods when I visited their factories.

But as the years have passed, so do their eyes pass over me, to eye curiously my replacements. Will you try the new style, ma’am? It’s so much better than that old thing.

I’ve watched my friends grow old and die. My brother got caught in traffic and caused a horrific level crossing collision. I get sick more often, wheezing to a halt wherever I am. When I visit the doctor for a spot of renewal, they tell me, “Sorry, I can’t help. You’re too old.” When will I be autoreplaced?

Woe is the tale of the Balogh Goods Truck. But what if we could slow or pause the steady march of time? In OpenTTD 14, you can.

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